On the stray occasion that I turned on the TV, which happened to be last night, here’s what I got to see. This is a leading GEC and it is the prime slot of a re-enacted crime series. What’s happening is something like this… A young married bride is cornered by her ‘evil’ in-laws. She is being interrogated. The subject of this harassment is that her bedsheet from her first wedding night is ‘spotless’. Which means that she was probably ‘soiled’ before marriage. In order to test her piousness, she is being made to hold a searing hot iron rod. If she doesn’t burn, she’s ‘pure’. We all know which way that’s going isn’t it? Elsewhere, a bunch of women of the house are gathered around the kitchen wondering how to get rid of the ‘shraap’ of the snake or fly or mongoose (whatever, I didn’t bother to wait and hear) which has befallen upon their household, and on yet another channel, a couple of so-called educated women are silently plotting against one another becaus...