Women empowerment is nothing but a farce

‪#‎Womenempowerment‬ is just another farce.

For the past few days, I've been hearing about Women's Day and discounts and felicitations and what not. Pamper the woman for a day, and then rape, molest, belittle, defile, insult her for the rest of the year.

But I have an experience that I have to share. I've probably written about it some time ago. I can't remember.

This is a memory of the day I had gone for a job interview with a certain 'gentleman'. The job was mine...well almost, up until I revealed I had a young child. His expression and attitude suddenly changed and the conversation took a sudden backward turn from "What's your salary expectation" to "Let me see how you write. Let's give you a writing test!" Was it his way of saying "I don't hire women employees with kids and families."?
Or probably, he was afraid that what he couldn't do in 12 hours, I could probably do, and much better, in 2...AND make it to home on time, to actually have a real life.
Thank god I don't have to deal with such misogynists any more! I don't have the patience to deal with them. More power to women entrepreneurs. Don't ever let a man tell you what you can and cannot do...and don't ever put up with such creeps.


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